#138: Kevon Thompson

Y’all want a snack?

Kevon Thompson, better known as Biiz, is the host of This Week in Blade, a weekly roundup of all things blading news available on YouTube and Blader Union.

Phil and Krans talk with him about the show, including some behind-the-scenes aspects of how he puts it together, what he’s looking to showcase each week, and a ton of different topics along the way.

You can directly download the episode here, or stream it on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play. (Subscribe, if you feel like it.)

Follow Kevon on Instagram. He’s @thebiizone. If you want to be his #bladebae, slide on into his DMs.

Check out BladerUnion.com for all the things, including all the recent TWIBs.

Check out the latest episode of TWIB.

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